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Social Security


Social security services are a series of benefits provided to workers and their families to guarantee them adequate social protection in case of contingencies such as illness, maternity, work accidents, old age, unemployment, among others.

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Social security services in companies can provide a number of benefits, including:

1. Protection for employees: The

Social security offers protection against financial risks for employees and their families in case of accidents, illnesses, disabilities, death, etc.

2. Employee retention: Employees can feel more secure and valued at a company that offers social security services, which can help retain talented employees and reduce employee turnover.

3. Talent attraction: Companies that offer social security services can be more attractive to potential employees, which can help attract and hire top talent.

4. Improved employee well-being: Employees can feel calmer and less stressed when they know they have a social security system in place to help them through difficult times.

5. Contribution to corporate social responsibility: Companies that offer social security services can be seen as more socially responsible and committed to the welfare of their employees.

6. Legal compliance: In many countries, companies are required by law to provide certain social security services to their employees, so offering these services can help comply with legal regulations.

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